Benefits of Targeted Mailing Lists for Consumer Packaged Goods Brands

A woman bringing packages into a house

Now more than ever, consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies must engage their ideal audience to gain customer loyalty. Targeted direct mail marketing is one of the best ways to do this.

Is CPG Targeted Direct Mail Marketing Effective?

From food and beverages, to personal care and cleaning items, the CPG sector is broad.

Ultimately, CPGs represent merchandise that customers use—and replace—on a frequent basis. This means that once you gain someone’s trust, they’ll almost certainly buy your product repeatedly.

Let’s consider a popular sunscreen brand. If a customer decides they like the company’s special blend of SPF 50, that sunscreen will probably become their go-to for sun protection. The consumer will understand that it works, note that they enjoy it, and only buy that sunscreen from there forward.

And therein lies the power of the consumer packaged goods industry.

But here’s the thing. Until your prospects realize that they should purchase your product over your competitors’, you need to up your marketing game. McKinsey notes that CPG customers’ attention has become more fragmented—and targeted direct mail marketing can help mitigate this.

The idea is to build specialized CPG mailing lists that target unique customer profiles. In our sunscreen example, you may choose to target families with young children—or individuals whose past purchases reveal a love of the outdoors. Once you develop those lists, you can get personalized in your marketing efforts. From there, you can send tailored promotions and watch your sales skyrocket.

Benefits of Targeted Direct Mail Marketing for CPG Companies

CPG brands should use targeted direct mail marketing to send samples, coupons, and other promotional materials directly to consumers.

Here are the benefits of specialized mailing lists in the consumer packaged goods space:

  • Share product updates

Are you launching a new product? Connecting with your target audience is the key to gaining traction—and sales too. Direct mail marketing has an open rate of up to 85%, and targeted direct mail marketing is even more effective. By keeping your mailing lists current and specialized, you can send samples and promotions to the right people.

  • Reach a receptive audience

No one wants to feel like you’re selling them something they don’t want (or need). Try to target a receptive audience by focusing on customers who are more likely to engage with your product. For the best results, consider building specialized lists based on filters like household size, income level, or purchasing history.

  • Boost your bottom line

CPG brands don’t have unlimited marketing budgets. And while direct mail campaigns involve production, printing, and postage expenses, the goal should be to see a solid return on your investment. With that, keeping your mailing lists targeted will improve your ROI. This means you’ll want to filter your audience beyond each recipient’s mailing address.

  • Personalize your marketing

There’s no way around it: CPG companies need current and accurate data to craft an effective direct mail campaign. By personalizing each piece based on past purchases and interest areas, you can increase engagement, response rates, and sales. This is a fantastic way to make consumers feel valued and primed to interact with your brand.

From building CPG brand awareness to increasing revenue, there are so many reasons to create specialized mailing lists. Our team is here to guide you on your targeted direct mail marketing path.

Are You Ready to Target Your Ideal CPG Customers?

CPG brands need to understand—and connect with—their ideal audience in order to thrive. A targeted mailing list provider will help you reach the prospects your product was made for.

So don’t wait, and start building specialized mailing lists with by AccuZIP. Our simple interface, real-time lead counts, and extensive filters will improve your marketing fast.

Are you interested in getting started? Order your direct mail lists now for only $0.03 per address. In the meantime, please contact us with questions or for more information.

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